Maddie, Inpatient Care Patient Care Technician (PCT)
Career Goal
I knew I always wanted to help people. Nursing has so much patient care, whether with the patient or the family, and I really enjoy that aspect. Right now, I am hoping to complete a nursing internship in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit at Sanford in the Summer of 2023. After I graduate in December 2023, I want to work in a NICU.
Why did you apply to work part-time at Brookings Health?
I needed some hospital experience. I started February 2022. I needed to see what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. So far, it has been a great experience. The staff here are great. The patients are also good to work with. I like how Brookings Health is not super overwhelming. Everybody here works as a team. It makes the work life easier as a nurse or a patient care tech.
What do you enjoy most about working for Brookings Health?
Probably overall the care team. Everyone I work with communicates well. I never feel out of the loop. They make me feel valued as well. Even though I am only a PCT, I feel incredibly appreciated and not a day goes by that staff doesn't thank me for the work I do. They are grateful for the work we do.
What have you learned while working at Brookings Health?
Teamwork is the key to patient care success. You must work together and be able to communicate in order to make someone’s hospital stay the best that it can be.
Establishing relationships with your co-workers is also important. It makes you enjoy your day at work and helps you look forward to coming in and doing your shift every day.
I value the friendships I’ve built here a lot. I feel like I can talk to my friends when I have an issue or if I don’t feel comfortable doing something. I can always ask for help. I am not sure if that feeling is transparent in larger organizations.
Why should other students consider working at Brookings Health?
It’s just a great opportunity to learn what you want to do with your life. You get to see more than just the nursing side. You get to see the work of all different care members, from respiratory therapy to the physician. It helps you become confident working with individuals. You can create valuable relationships like I have.
What advice would you give other students?
Explore whatever you can. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. I applied at a hospital, and it has driven me to accomplish and learn as much while I have the opportunity. I worked at a nursing home, and it is what drove me to nursing. The hospital drove me to figure out a specific specialty. It was intimidating at first because of the new environment, but I am so glad I did it. I encourage students to explore all aspects of healthcare because it will help gain perspective.