Spring Memories from Maple Ridge and Ash Boulevard

  • Spring 2016

Pink flower graphic

Spring is in the air for the residents on Maple Ridge and Ash Boulevard. Residents are reminiscing and sharing spring memories. Here are a few stories that were shared that we would like to share with you.

Virgil Bernstein has a spring birthday so his favorite memories were looking forward to an old-fashioned birthday cake, described as being big, round, had a hole in the middle, with lots of frosting and candles. Virgil shared a specific birthday memory of a big snow storm that swept through the area at a time where his mother had gone west to visit family, and he was to travel to his aunt’s farm for his birthday party. Virgil said he never made it there due to the terrible weather. Virgil stated he had to stay home with his father and all of his cousins ate his birthday cake without him that year. Virgil said he looks forward to his birthday this year because the weather this year is nicer than it has been in a long time.

With a smile on her face, Thelma Brandt shared memories of vegetable and flower gardening on a farm near the Castlewood area. She also looked forward to baby chicks coming in the mail each spring. Thelma said the baby chicks would be delivered in the mail in a big crate and she and her brother would have to make sure the chicks were kept warm at just the right temperature. She said the chicks were cute and fuzzy when they first arrived, but not too long after their arrival, they lost their fuzz and were not so attractive. Thelma said she enjoyed the fresh spring air and watching baby lambs run around and play in the yard. She loved the spring time.

Darlene Carpenter became excited and enthusiastic while talking about spring time memories. Darlene expressed looking forward to having her bike taken down from the garage after a long winter, flying kites on a windy day, and playing marbles in the street. Darlene spoke about her and her sister going down to what used to be the Spies Grocery Store in downtown Brookings. There they purchased two baby chicks with pink or green striped down their backs. She would name them the same ever year, Poncho and Cisco. One spring in particular, Darlene purchased a baby chick that was nothing but trouble.

Darlene said this chick constantly chased her around the yard trying to peck her legs with its beak. Darlene said at one point the chick had her cornered against the fence when she had to hit iy over the head with a cheese crate to get away. The last straw for this baby chick was when Darlene found it eating her favorite flowers, tulips and crocus, which she had just planted a few days ago. Darlene declared to her dad that this chicken had to go; it was time to eat him!

We all have spring fever here on Maple Ridge and Ash Boulevard. Please do not hesitate to stop by and share your own spring memories with us.