Our Care Philosophy
The Neighborhoods at Brookview embraces the household model of long-term care which aims to create a homelike, social setting for residents. We incorporate the five person-directed values in our care: Choice, Dignity, Respect, Self Determination, and Purposeful Living.
Our care philosophy includes:
- Shaping the physical environment, organizational structure and interpersonal relationships to create a genuine home atmosphere.
- Encouraging and respecting our residents’ rights to make their own life decisions, such as when they wish to wake up, sleep, and bathe.
- Emphasizing the resident-caregiver relationship. Staff members are consistently assigned to the same household; residents become comfortable with regular care providers.
- Each caregiver working as a member of a self-directed team trained to identify and support residents’ individual care needs and personal choices.
Like many new nursing homes, our facility is designed to support the natural patterns of home life. Residents have access to home living spaces such as a kitchen, dining room and living room. We have patios, neighborhood gardens, sun rooms and other cozy spaces to create a normal, spontaneous home life.
The overall goal of our care philosophy is a resident-centered approach to help our residents lead healthier, meaningful lives.