We encourage family members and friends to visit our residents. Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day; we do request late night visitors remain respectful of other residents and do not disturb their rest.
For security reasons, visitors who arrive after 9 p.m. will need to press the visitor button inside the front entrance. Staff will arrive shortly to assist visitors into the facility.
A resident room directory is located inside the front entrance. Wayfinding signage throughout the facility helps direct visitors to residents' households and rooms.
Family Dining Room
Each household offers a private family dining room. The room allows family and friends to gather with a resident and enjoy a meal or a special occasion, such as a birthday, in a space away from the day-to-day activity of the household. Please contact our staff members to reserve a family dining room.
Visiting Guidelines
- Visitors must be in good health, i.e., no colds, flu, communicable diseases.
- Please wash your hands before seeing residents.
- Closely supervise children who are visiting.
- Use public restrooms rather than a resident's bathroom.
- Our facilities are tobacco-free. Please refrain from using any tobacco products while on our campus.
- We offer a latex-safe environment to protect individuals with latex allergies. Please use mylar balloons as a safe alternative for gifts, celebrations, etc.