Physical Therapy
When you have an injury, illness, or surgery that affects your ability to use your body, our physical therapists are ready to provide you with the specialized care you need to complete your recovery.
Physical therapists are experts in the movement and function of the body. They can help people gain or regain the physical abilities they need for day-to-day functioning, working or participating in sports or other activities.
Physical therapy uses physical methods, such as massage, exercises, cold, heat, light, water and electric currents, to improve circulation, strengthen muscles and restore mobility.
Brookings Health System provides physical therapy services in a variety of settings to meet your needs including:
- Acute care
- Outpatient
- Swing bed
- Same-day surgeries
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Nursing home
- Home Health
An individual plan of care is determined for each individual. Goals are set and patients are encouraged to progress to meet these goals by improving their quality of life and increasing level of function. Physical therapy complements medical care and other disciplines involved in a patient’s care.
Contact the physical therapy department at (605) 696-8060.
Common Reasons for physical therapy:
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Hip fractures
- Balance problems
- Muscle strains and soft tissue sprains
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- A stroke that impairs movement
- Arthritis
- Disabilities in newborns
- A heart condition or event that limits physical ability
Watch Mike Zobel and Barb Murra talk about their physical therapy experience and outcomes.