How Hollywood Gets Birth Wrong: Why Not to Give Birth on Your Back

Video Transcript

Movies and TV shows always show a woman giving birth while lying in bed on her back, her legs raised up in the air. But did you know – this position isn’t the ideal for giving birth and can actually narrow a woman’s pelvis? 

Our Spinning Babies-educated obstetrics team encourages moms to push in positions that open the pelvis and allow the sacrum and tailbone to move. 

These positions include standing, squatting with a birthing bar, kneeling on your hands and knees, doing a single kneeling lunge, or lying on your side. 

When the sacrum and tailbone are allowed to freely flex, more space is made for the baby’s head in the pelvis. In addition, research-based evidence shows a naturally spontaneous birth is more likely. 

So don’t believe everything you see in films. When it comes time to push and deliver, get off your back.