How to Lengthen the Psoas Muscles

Video Transcript

The psoas (pronounced, so-as) muscles are between the pelvis and ribs. They help us to walk upright 🚶‍♀️and support our abdominal organs. Stretching the psoas muscles as recommended by Spinning Babies helps relieve low back and leg pains. It also opens and centers the pelvis and hips. Stretched psoas muscles allow the baby to descend and can prevent an induction. 

The stretches are part of the recommended daily movements for preparing your body for labor and delivery. To perform psoas muscle stretches: 

Lie down on your back on flat surface such as a bed or massage table. Move your buttocks to the edge of the surface. 

Lift one knee up to the side of your abdomen and hug it gently with both hands. Let the other leg hang gently off the surface. Make sure your entire leg can hang from the crease of your buttocks. The leg’s hanging weight creates the stretch. 

After 30 to 60 seconds, switch positions and hug the opposite knee for another 30 to 60 seconds while allowing the other leg to hang. 

You can perform psoas lengthening stretches 1 to 2 times daily after 20 weeks of pregnancy. 

CAUTION: do not perform psoas lengthening stretches if you have chronic or acute lumbar or disc issues.