The Most Common Shoulder Problems + How to Treat Them 💪

  • Spring 2024
Man having shoulder pain


Dr. Jeffry Dressander
Dr. Jeffry Dressander

What causes shoulder rotator cuff injuries and how common are they? 

DR. DRESSANDER: The rotator cuff surrounds the shoulder joint and provides stability and movement for the shoulder in many directions. A fall or a sports injury can cause a traumatic tearing of the rotator cuff. Most commonly we see injuries that develop over time and with age from regular use. It’s commonly seen in people who do a lot of repetitive activities with their arms, such as working in a factory or in instances where the arms are over the head a lot, like painting or carpentry.

What symptoms will patients with a rotator cuff injury notice? 

DR. DRESSANDER: The most common complaint I hear is pain. It can be occurring at night and interrupting their sleep. The pain could occur when performing activities, such as lifting or reaching over their head. For some people, they experience pain when sitting and resting and doing nothing at all.

How is a rotator cuff injury diagnosed?

DR. DRESSANDER: First we listen to the patient to see if they had a recent injury or if they perform certain activities on a repetitive basis. We also examine the patient and have them move their arm in different ways. Diagnostic imaging, like an X-ray or MRI, helps us see a particular injury to the bone, muscle and ligaments.

What conservative measures are done first to treat a rotator cuff injury? 

DR. DRESSANDER: First we try medication, either orally or an injection, to help lower a patient’s pain. We followed that with physical therapy to help maintain muscle strength and flexibility. 

When should a surgical rotator cuff repair be performed? 

DR. DRESSANDER: If there has been a traumatic injury that results in a very large tear of the muscle, we need to repair that quickly to preserve muscle function. If it’s a situation that has been building up over time, I listen to the patient. We have a conversation about whether they want to continue conservative management or if they want to try surgery. When a patient tells me the pain has reached a level that it limits their day-to-day activities and they cannot tolerate it anymore, then it’s time to operate.

How is the rotator cuff repaired surgically? 

DR. DRESSANDER: We perform most rotator cuff surgeries arthroscopically through very small incisions that heal quickly. We look inside the shoulder with a high-definition camera and use small instruments to reattach the muscle back to the bone. The small incisions create less scaring and help patients heal more quickly. 

How long after surgery does it take for the patient to heal? 

DR. DRESSANDER: Recovery can take several months. The first phase is getting motion back in the shoulder. We then have patients perform a gradual strengthening program that usually lasts six months. Therapy is as important as the surgery itself. Without it, patients will not regain the normal motion of the joint and have the strength they need. Patients who do not put the time into rehab will not have as a good of a result. 

What differences do patients typically notice after surgery? 

DR. DRESSANDER: Most patients realize pain relief around two to three weeks after the operation. They can return to normal activities after they have finished six months of physical therapy and rehabilitation. 

Tired of dealing with shoulder pain? Schedule an orthopedic appointment with Dr. Dressander by calling Avera Medical Group Specialty Care at (605) 696-2700. No referral needed.

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