Volunteer for Health

  • Spring 2023
Brookings Health Volunteer

Brookings Health System offers several opportunities for community members to volunteer and give back, including as gift shop assistants, inpatient care companions, and hospice volunteers. Not only does volunteering benefit local healthcare, but it also is good for your personal health in several ways, including:

Reduces stress: Volunteering has been shown to reduce stress levels by providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It can also give volunteers a break from their own problems and allow them to focus on helping others.

Increases happiness: Volunteering has been linked to increased feelings of happiness and well-being. This is because helping others can give volunteers a sense of accomplishment and meaning in their lives.

Boosts social connections: Volunteering often involves working with other people, which can help volunteers to build social connections and relationships. This can be especially beneficial for people who are feeling lonely or isolated.

Improves physical health: Volunteering can have physical health benefits as well, such as lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of chronic health conditions. This may be due to the fact that volunteering often involves physical activity, such as cleaning up a park or working in a garden.

Increases cognitive function: Volunteering has been linked to improved cognitive function, such as better memory and problem-solving skills. This may be because volunteering can provide opportunities to learn new skills and challenge the brain.

Overall, volunteering can be a great way to improve your health while also making a positive impact on our community. Learn how you can give back to healthcare at brookingshealth.org/Volunteers.