BrookingsHeart™ Cardiovasular Screenings
One in four adults have some form of cardiovascular disease. It is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S.
To help patients understand their risk for diseases like heart attack and stroke, Brookings Health offers BrookingsHeart cardiovascular screenings. Patients may opt to have one or all three screenings.
Heart Screening ($50)
- CT Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Test
- Blood Pressure
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
Vascular Screening ($50)
- Carotid Artery Ultrasound Screening
- Aortic Aneurysm Ultrasound Screening
- Ankle Brachial Screen to detect Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
Full Lipid Panel Cholesterol Check ($50)
- Total Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who are BrookingsHeart screenings recommended for?
BrookingsHeart cardiovascular screening is recommended for men ages 40 and older, women ages 45 and older, or individuals with a strong family history of heart disease.
What happens with my screening results?
Upon screening completion, an educator will review results with you. Education includes comparisons of your results to moderate or high-risk factors, stress management, physical activity, nutrition counseling and tobacco cessation if needed. Results will be given to you. It is your responsibility to initiate follow-up examination with your primary care provider to confirm the results and to obtain advice and treatment.
Will my insurance cover the screenings?
Because the screenings are not typically covered by insurance, you will need to pay out-of-pocket for the screenings.
Schedule Your Screening
No referral is required for BrookingsHeart screenings. Patients may schedule a BrookingsHeart screening time by calling Brookings Health System at (605) 696-8888.