Echocardiogram Provides Peace of Mind [Carol Syverson]

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Carol. I live here in Brookings. I'm originally from Arlington. I moved to Rapid City and I moved to Wyoming and I'm back again in Brookings. And now all of a sudden there's everything all over the place. So I really enjoyed coming back to the old roots.

Why did you come to the hospital for an echocardiogram?

With the size of my one vein or, you know, my heart, I've always been worried that if I pushed myself too far and it would leak or explode, I would be dead in seconds. There would be no way that they could save me. So for five years, I've decided, I'm gonna do this every five years to make sure that nothing has changed and that I'm not pushing myself too much. And if I am, then I'm gonna slow down and make sure I have it more, have that procedure done more often. It's very important. I've got too much to live for, with grandkids and kids and great grandkids and myself.

How would you describe an echocardiogram?

It's like having an ultrasound to see what your baby's doing. They put the cream on, put the little monitor and go around and check. They're very careful. They type in the information the computer wants, the size, the shape, anything that is necessary or what the doctor ordered. It was amazing and then they turn and have you go a little bit on a different side so they could get a different side picture. And the procedure itself was maybe 20 minutes at the most, and then it was over with. And they're very thorough and I would recommend anybody that has a heart problem, definitely go have an echo. And right here is a good place to go or just stay at home and do it.

How did the imaging staff treat you?

Oh, they cared for me wonderfully. They were very kind. They let me know what they were gonna do and how it was gonna be, hold still or relax. I'm comfortable because I know they're gonna be there to take care of me and help find out what's wrong and prescribe what I need to take care of it.

How long did you wait before hearing the results of your echocardiogram?

Yeah, we had to wait for the doctor, but I don't think it was more than a couple of days. And then I got pictures too when I went in, he saved pictures for me and then I got new pictures and they're just like the other one. So, it was just a few days. I was told it was good and to come in and he wanted to talk to me some more and do some more testing. And, yeah, it was wonderful. It doesn't take forever.

How did your pulmonologist in Sioux Falls coordinate with your Brookings doctor?

Oh, they're wonderful. They both talked to each other. They either fax or talk, call each other back and forth. I've had blood tests done here that was sent to Avera in Sioux Falls and they both work simultaneously together. It's great.

Why is health care close to home important to you?

Well, I don't know Sioux Falls and I don't have GPS on my phone. And, so that means I have to get a family member or a friend. My family members all work two jobs, like I did, and they're busy, and this way I can drive myself, and I'm right here, and whatever I need is right here. And that's so important to me that I don't have to travel that far. And a lot of them know me by name. I mean, everybody knows that I need a butterfly when they take blood because my veins will collapse and roll. And so I don't have to mention those things. They already know me. So, I'm really happy that this hospital and all these wonderful people are here to help everybody that needs help.

Why would you recommend Brookings Health System to others in the community?

There's nothing more wonderful than the care here. And the people that work here from the person that you walk in the door that says hello, to the people cleaning. I mean, this is an amazing place to be if you're not feeling well. So I really appreciate everything they do here.

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