Alex Qader, M.D.

Alex Qader, M.D.

Overall Rating

4.27 of 5 (172 ratings, 35 comments)


Locations Served


  • Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine, Portsmouth, Dominica, West Indies
  • Residency: ETSU Family Residency Program, Johnson City, TN


  • American Board of Family Medicine
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The provider did not listen to my concerns or my things that I went there for, as I was trying to tell him my symptoms. He kept saying that I was demanding to be admitted and I was not and he also, said that I was exaggerating a neural exam, because I went there for a fall on my head. I hit my head and he just started doing the exam. I didn't know what he was doing and he claims that I exaggerated by not lifting my right leg up far enough and I did not exaggerate it, because all the other stuff worked just fine, but I already have neuro issues involving the leg and other issues and he put in my notes that I was exaggerating my symptoms to make it look like it didn't work, which I have no reason to, because I didn't go there thinking I had anything wrong with my legs. He also denied that I needed to have further, checking into my lungs and listen to me about*
Alex Qader


Feel that I was a nuisance to the doctor. Said that my back pain was not emergency and that he can't do anymore for my pain. He made me feel that I was seeking drugs. While I was in severe pain. When I come in it was a 15 and left at a 15. Very not improve with the ER doctor. Nurses even was surprised he was sending me home in the pain I was in. Very disappointed in my treatment
Alex Qader


Nurses were rude and short with me. Seemed they were more interested in doing nothing than helping me as a patient. Would not recommend anyone to come to your facility.
Alex Qader

Ratings Breakdown

Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst facility possible and 10 is the best facility possible, what number would you use to rate this emergency department?
4.3 out of 5
Did the care providers explain what to do if you did not get better after leaving?
4.4 out of 5
Did the doctor listen carefully to you?
4.3 out of 5
Did the doctor give you enough information about your condition and treatment options?
4.2 out of 5